I consider myself a passionate developer.

I am constantly seeking to make meaningful contributions.

I love to collaborate and provide
high quality software.

My Stack

WoW Analyzer - Open Source


Web page to provide advice to World of Warcraft players on their performance and how to improve. To achieve this we analyze an event log through an event-driven architecture. I'm now a mantainer of this site. The stack is Typescript and React.

The main tasks I done:
New functionalities: Generated new ways to analyze the events providing even more ways to improve.
Bug Fixes: Identified and resolved bugs, improving the project's stability.
Collaboration: Participated in code reviews, provided constructive feedback, and worked with others to improve the project.

RedLink Online-Bankings

While working at RedLink S.A. I contributed to the Backend, Data Base and CI/CD code and architecture to bring to live several Home Banking applications (Web, Android and iOS) for different banks.

Among the most relevant projects where:

  • Developed a tracing library using Spring, JMS Queue and Oracle DB for the over 100 Spring services. This allowed us to monitor the behavior of our services in real time. Along with an alert system and graphic monitors on Orion, it greatly reduced the error response time of our teams and improved our understanding of the product.

  • Developed and designed the microservices infrastructure in Kubernetes (Openshift) and integrated with the legacy codebase using Spring Boot, Reactor, Kafka and Docker. This enhanced the scalability of the product as well as reducing the maintenance costs.

  • Developed and maintained REST applications with Spring, JUnit, Java, JMS Queue and Oracle DB to continuously improve and enhance user experience.

  • Developed a batch system in Java and Oracle SP that takes care of part of a migration from a legacy system. This has and will continue to growth the amount of users of our new product.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

This plarform allowed users to get digital property guarantees for their rents in an easy fashion. It was developed for Flexia Technologies.

I worked mostly on the Backend and Database of the application. The technological stack was Java, Postgre SQL Data Base and was hosted on AWS. I also structured e2e automated front-end testing.

Contact Me



+49 15 754-782-668